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God Knows...

All day long; I hear the rushing sound, Like the never ending gong. The flowers look so beautiful; The butterflies look so radiant- But who can relieve the pain of the heart? Know God is watching and waiting; He is looking and loving; He mends the broken heart and gives hope to the hopeless! Written by Ewoma

The Glory Of Hard Times

Even though everything seems so dark and gloom; And the skies seem so far away and blue, And you wonder- “Where am I heading to?” Just remember that God will see you through! Though the stars may shine no more and more; And there’s little or no strength to call, Yet there’s One you can lean on, So you don’t have to cry or mourn. Written by Ewoma


Grace the land of the undeserving; The place for the unrelenting, And a place of refuge for the wistful and dying! An arrow shot through His heart; Still His undenying Love couldn’t quench the cart. More often than not he pulled away the strings to let; Why He did so I can never know.. Saved me from myself, didn’t bring in the snow. But once in, I think I can finally tell; The reason why I sometimes fell. Because He wanted me to come to terms with the fact, That I need Him more each and every passing moment; And that’s the story of unfathomable Grace! Written by Ewoma

Abandoned....Yet Not Abandoned!

Abandoned...yet not abandoned! That’s what it feels like when you are faced with the stark reality of wantoness. You wonder if you’ve been left alone, To tackle the abnormality that never seems to recede back to the path home. Yes it feels like you will never make it to the other side of the world of plenty and abundance; Grace and mercy; Laughter and peace; You have been abandoned to fate! But you will survive the tricks and the trends.. And it’s only a matter of time before you realize; That’s He’s been standing there all the while, Even closer to you than your own breath! It is a known fact that you have suffered a great deal, Enough to the detriment of expectations. Be assured that you have come through no matter what you think, say or feel- For in you there’s a testimony; No one can give on your behalf except you! Written by Ewoma

My Prayer!

Sitting at my table, I wonder what in the world is going on.. Really don’t have much to do or say. But my heart pounds in expectation, And anticipation... Of what might happen in the near and now; “Go for it”, one voice keeps saying; “Stay away”, another weeps loudly; Yet my finite mind keeps crying the opposite... If only I knew what the future entailed; I would be certain to dance with joy and exhilaration, At the prospect of becoming the”bride”, I The one and only! Forever with you, oh that I pray daily; To grow old with you, what an experience rarely! Watching the light break at dawn; While ushering in a glorious morn. And that too should be my earnest desire; To be the bride at day, To be the bride at night; To be the bride come what may, o precious one I pray! Should it ever come to my hearing? That you need a friend who will be there all enduring; To spill all the dreadful agony; This too will be my privilege and a rare opportunity; To grieve and to h...