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Africa Arise!

Africa, The land flowing with milk and honey, Strictly laden with gemstones and money And decorated with treasures beyond the human imagination, Yet steeped in squalor and poverty! What? Why, oh why? Do you weep at dawn? And pretend you have no food to eat? You have been dressed with the vast elements of the earth, Sunk deep below the thoughts of human reach In the beginning, You were given all the wisdom you need to wade through the storms of adversity, But you look outside yourselves,  For meager incomes coming from beneath your intellectual and spiritual heights You have been subdued, Time and time and time and time again, Because you have refused to conquer the one that put you to flight and agony Your inner self, veiled with the sounds of time, Only to wake up, to the crude shock, That you stand on the threshold of eternity! Oh Africa! Look inside yourself once again, There in lies the solutions, you desperately seek. For God do...

The Beauty of Maturity!

The beauty of maturity, This kind of beauty goes deep into the recesses of one’s own soul. It is faceless, and lacks the artificial touch of the make-up artist. It is skin deep, soul searching and highly spiritual. Well, this kind of beauty isn’t meant for the weak and hard of hearing, Rather, it comes out of the one who is strong and long suffering. Perhaps, this is a well known truth, that for all we go through in life, We acquire a sense of longing and identity, Which when analyzed, brings about a deep sense of fulfillment, That can never be put to microscopic or intellectual scrutiny. Nevertheless, we know we are beautiful in God’s own eyes; When we do the things we ought to do, when we ought to do them, and how we ought to do them. For me, that’s what I call beauty at her best; An intensity so deep, that her predecessor-innocence, can never beat or match! Written by Ewoma