Can you show me some scars? As you reached for the stars; Maybe you did all you could, you know what I’m talking about. When you were trodden down in pain; Negotiating your way to the heights of fame and glory! But you wish your journey was a bit more pleasant; Not laden with the shame that tried to pull you down. Yet you fought your way through the thorns and thistles of life; Wavering and staggering up the ladder of success; Each step stronger than the previous one; Pushing up, up and up until you reached the highest wrung at the pinnacle. Then suddenly your view changes; As you can now see from the heights you have attained; How far down you have come up from, and yet how small figures of uncertainty seem to you at that moment. Then suddenly, you must realize that for every applause and accolade you have received; There’s a God behind the scenes orchestrating events in your favor, So you can fulfill every written code in the journal of destiny; Remembering to always...